Newest Artist Joey Savage...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The goal of Electro Couture Recordings + ECR & Friends Soundcloud Group...

The goal at Electro Couture Records, and The Electro Couture Records & Family Soundcloud Group, is to operate a label that doesn't forget that at the end of each day, and in the heart of all the madness this business brings into our lives, lies a love for music that we all equally share. We want our music and company to reflect that special love in all that we create and do each and every day! And what we do is create and perform great music. Every form of electronic music that makes you move or bob your head, every form of art that gives you goosebumps or sends shivers down your spine, that is what we at ECR represent... Only the most Couture of all artists in the music world will carry our name! People everywhere, everyday, are told that a music career is not the way to go, or the way to become a "success". This may be true for most, but if it makes us happy..... FUCK EM!!!
Thank You and God Bless,

-Joey "Savage" Kneipp  (Electro Couture Records Owner/Cleaning Lady/Gofer/A&R/Manager/Artist/Performer and most importantly... Entrepreneur)

1 comment:

  1. for all the haters, just remember this:
    Those who dream by night, in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that all was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, and make it possible!

